I was trying to hold it together long enough to get through our kids’ bedtime routine. I had just read another article with percentages and forecasts and worst case scenarios, and my heart was on the verge of splitting wide open.
My boys were arguing and dragging their feet, and I was about to blow a fuse.
Couldn’t they see how serious we’d been lately and how useless it is to argue over nonsense like who gets to brush their teeth next or read the first book?
I had to break away, so I lugged the weight of the world on my shoulders and retreated to my bedroom to let my heart spill out.
I cried.
Then I cried out to God for help.
I pleaded with Him to keep watch over us just as He always has.
“During those many days the king of Egypt died, and the people of Israel groaned because of their slavery and cried out for help. Their cry for rescue from slavery came up to God. And God heard their groaning, and God remembered His covenant with Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob. God saw the people of Israel.
And God knew.”
In this passage from chapter two of the Book of Exodus, we find God’s people in bondage. In worry. Chained to a future that felt bleak and hopeless.
They lived in a land occupied by evil.
The king thought nothing of killing babies and ordering midwives to turn a new parent’s joy into mourning.
God’s people were enslaved by a culture that mocked their God. And they struggled with obedience themselves.
God’s people groaned.
Flash-forward to today, and I find myself living in a similar story.
In a different kind of trouble but in heartache, still.
It’s so easy to let fear and insecurity inhabit our thoughts to the point we’re crying out from the bedroom floor for help.
God, see us. Watch over us, Lord.
“God saw the people of Israel. -And God knew.” verse 25
Friends, this promise encourages my heart today. Because I remember what comes next in their story-
God shows up.
God shows off.
God guides and sustains the people He calls His own. The people He loves even though they’re prone to wander in the wrong direction. They still return to Him.
And that’s our invitation today.
To return Home to Him – The Living God – as we deviate from a culture fixated on death.
Do we trust God still sees His people through the worst case scenarios:
The giant’s threats.
The firey furnace.
Even torture on the cross.
Do we trust the same God who parted the sea will see us though whatever storm may shake us next week?
Our hearts ache for the lives lost. We are unsettled by what the future might hold.
So, let’s choose to go the way of the same God who holds our future.
Friends, He still sees us today and is listening for us to call out His name and claim the victory we know in Jesus.
He conquered death.
He hears us.
We’ve never been able to predict exactly what’s headed our way next.
But God knows.
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