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Chances are you’ve seen that hashtag, maybe even posted it yourself.

It’s usually slipped in under that photo of all the happy girls laughing or dancing or gathered around that fancy restaurant table. If you’re like me, their smiley faces make you smile, too. And think of your girls and try to remember when you last got together or if you still get together at all.

A friend of mine recently mentioned how she watches all these posts of girlfriends taking on life together, and she realized that she’s missing that. She’s missing her gals to walk alongside more closely, to do life with. Her squad.

And after speaking with more moms I know, I realize that’s not uncommon.

This season of life is different. We have different routines than we had before kids. We have different schedules and different ideas of what Friday night fun may be.


This season isn’t meant to separate us.

It’s actually able to bring us even closer together.

The ice breaker conversation with a new mom friend is pretty straightforward —

“How much sleep did you get last night?

Um, none. Yep. Me, neither.”

Odds are, our days look a lot alike.

There’s spit up and crumbs, homework or rarely being home at all. Whether working outside of the home, or in it, our cabinets are filled with Goldfish and Children’s Benadryl, and we all double check the dosage each time we have to give it.

We need encouragement, affirmation, a shoulder to cry on when we just can’t stop the tears. But how do we get it? How do we find our squad?

Go to the playground. Go to the park. Go to the after-school meeting, volunteer to watch the church nursery. Go to Target at 9am or 9pm and strike up a conversation with the mom who’s wandering around just like you. Introduce yourself, give her your email, ask if she goes to the playground, the park, the after-school meetings, too. Just smile and speak.

Even if you don’t become fast friends, you may encourage her heart and find out that you’re sharing that same kind of smile you see in those hash-tagged photos.

A sweet friend of mine invited my family to eat with hers recently, because they felt led to deepen relationships and spend their year welcoming friends into their story. And that, sweet sister, is how you live a better one – a story that extends the love that fills your home into the homes of others.

And soon you’ll find you’re no longer quick to hide your flaws but share them.

Because in the mess, there’s also so much meaning.

And you discover that it’s not when you’re all dressed up together that’s the most beautiful – but it’s when you’re sick, and your girls ask if they can bring over a meal. Or it’s when your boss was too demanding and you just need a smile and a Starbucks.

Bring that meal, bring that coffee. Just bring yourself.

And that, sweet sisters, will be our #squadgoals.

Because life is better lived together.



Sweet sisters, sometimes after I finish a post, I just have to pause and exhale and wonder what just happened. This is one of those posts. I touched the keys, but I trust God directed the words. I know someone needs the reminder today that you are worthy of a squad — a community of friends to walk this journey with you. It’s easy to claim that I’m shy (that was me for a majority of my life), but it’s better to step out of our comfort zones and live the life God allows – one connected to others. Let us stir up one another in love. Plug in. Serve and encourage and watch as the Spirit brings encouragement to you. Life is so much better together.

“And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.” Hebrews 10:24-25

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