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The Makings Of The Best Day Yet.

It is Friday, the first of May.  Quite possibly the best day yet.

The morning began with a breeze, so I slipped the boys into jackets, and we headed to town.

First stop, Target, of course. Our two-year-old excitedly says “Yay!” when we pull into the parking lot. I find a double-seated shopping cart in the return next to our parking space and buckled the boys inside.

We pick up the items on my list, with only one minor meltdown. It was a success.

Next, onto the swings at the playground.


I watch my sons smile and giggle and play.

Our oldest pushes his brother, and I see more of what the word brother means. Their faces match for a moment, both wide-eyed to take it all in.  I savor.

After they go “wee” higher and higher in the swings, it is time for the playground, and they are all the sudden both big and brave.

I have to grab little brother, as he climbs the first step alone.

Meanwhile, our two-year-old is up the steps fast and ready for his first slide down.

He goes, and I go behind him, holding baby brother for the ride.

I feel young again, too, and it is almost as if all my cares were floating away in the air behind me.

And we slide and climb and go again and again.

After we play, we stop by the grocery store, and I watch this pair of brothers, sit side-by-side again in a grocery cart, so heavy, I have trouble navigating.  They steer little steering wheels to help me straighten up.

We pick up lunch and the rest of our list and head home.

My husband is waiting with a smile and helps us unload and wash up, and lunch is finished quickly.

It is a day for the books.

I scroll through my photos, and I see joy in my sons’ faces.  I know God put it there.  I tell them God made the sun that shines for us and the beautiful day, so we can play.

I thank God.

I thank God for my husband. I thank God for my partner, my provider, my safe place in the storms. I thank God for how he rushes out to help unload our priceless treasures and makes them smile every time. I thank God for how he tells me I’m beautiful and means it. He is the father of our family, and his legacy is one of compassion and kindness that reflects our Heavenly Father’s love. His desire is eternal, and we will always find each other there. I am grateful.

I thank God for my oldest boy.  I thank God for the way he wanted to push his brother higher and the way he put his arm around his shoulder in the shopping cart at the grocery store.  I thank God for how he says my name when he wants me to follow him up the steps and how his hugs squeeze me so tight, as if he reaches all the way inside to my heart. He is a leader. He looks for the best in things; he enjoys them.  He sings a prayer song of thanks to God, and I am grateful.

I thank God for his little brother. I thank God for the way he grinned so big when he felt the air rush across his little face. I thank God for how he looks up to his big brother and wants to stay by his side. I thank God for how he reaches up for me, and I know I can help make things better. He is brave. He is quick. He wants to learn and keep up.  He closes his hands like we do as we pray, and I am grateful.

And yet, today is the making of the best day yet, because my list of thanks continues.


I thank God for our littlest baby, so new and growing as God sees fit. I cried as I thanked God for another miraculous gift that I can not explain but only enjoy as the mother blessed to carry yet another. I wonder who you will be, what you will look like, if you will have your daddy’s eyes or mine. I can imagine you playing with your brothers, as you try so hard to keep up. We are your family, and we already love you so very much.  I know our God already knows your name and all your days, and I am in awe of his masterpiece.

My child. My littlest one. I knelt on the floor and prayed before the test confirmed your presence. I asked God to keep you safe and healthy and me, too. I thanked Him for whatever His will may be, because I know it is good. So I am grateful.

This day is precious. I look at the pictures of us hanging on the wall, and I know that our family has changed forever. There is now another spirit that is taking shape, made of the love Mommy and Daddy share and the wonder of our glorious God above. And it is the best day yet.

My family, the best day yet.



This post is a special announcement to my husband, and it is with him, I share this good news.  Lord, guide us, protect us, equip us with all we need to successfully parent your children. May we raise your Kingdom come. All our love and thanks and praise forever and ever. Amen.

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