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Tippy Toe

I caught myself tiptoeing. I wonder how many other mommies were also tiptoeing around their homes at the same time. Nap time. The days when both boys are asleep to nap are few and far between; so much so, I count them as little miracles I give silent thanks for. Today is one of those miracle days. Ever since our oldest was born, I have been trying to sneak a shower in during nap time. I feel so relieved when there are no little cries mixed up with the water splashing, when I can get out and actually brush my hair. Mission accomplished. Anything else after the shower is a perk. This afternoon, I tiptoed into the kitchen and had some Greek yogurt. It wasn’t long after my spoon settled in the sink that my youngest son awoke, quickly and hungry. After all I had done to keep the house nice and quiet, his cry rattled the air. I have become somewhat of a sprinting diaper changer; as quick as I can be to get him dry and fed, to help the sound settle. It didn’t take long for his brother upstairs to notice the commotion, and his cries come down bigger and wet, and I watch him in the monitor. Minute next to minute show him sit, stand, sit and lay back down. Whew. More rest is needed. I am sitting down, my baby across my lap, and i see my feet; my toes, nails painted but chipped. I think of all they carry; how I try to dress them up to be presentable, much like myself. My oldest son likes to play with my toes, my little piggies. He smiles, and he laughs and sometimes, he’ll even kiss. Moments I treasure. Treasured. I think of the great blessing it is to get to walk around with tippy toes, about the arms that will hug my neck once awake. The day may be filled with our bite-sized chaos, but at the end of it all, I am so grateful. I give thanks.

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