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Why Saturday School Is Just As Important As Sunday School


Growing up, my parents dropped us off in Sunday School (usually late) every week and picked us up just in time to find our pew for the service. It was a bit of a chore for me. Looking back, I hated getting up early and rushing to class. But now, I realize how much prep work God was doing in my little heart and how much I learned.

Now, I can recall so many Bible stories from memory. I can tell you who taught my 5th grade Sunday School class and how much she loved Jesus and she loved us. I made friends I'm still so fond of. I found my voice reading scripture aloud in class. I knew I mattered.

And as much as I encourage everyone to plug into a church family and grow in the Lord together, this post isn't about that.

Instead, it's about how we are called to share the lessons and love of Jesus with our children throughout the week. And especially on Saturdays.

Why pick Saturday?

Let me repeat - every single day, we all called to train up our children to know more of Jesus.

Yet, some of us have a tendency to believe that Saturdays are more for me.

Like, I'm so busy and rushed and tugged and stained throughout my normal Monday-Friday routine, I deserve some time to just unplug and relax on Saturday.

Friend, heck yeah!!! I'm not arguing that. I'm actually on the way out the door myself.

However, I do want to suggest we stay intentional about one thing on Saturday - the day of the week we often have more time with our families. With our spouses. And our kiddos. More time for them to observe our priorities and our "escape."

And that's our commitment to Bible study. Our prayer time. Our songs of worship and dancing together. The fun we have with Jesus. The application of what He's teaching us. The evidence of a changed life. Humility. Gentleness. Trust. Peace.

Our children are observing so much about marriage and partnership and respect and serving and the beauty of a changed, redeemed life by what that see at home throughout the week.

And my challenge is to make sure I'm enjoying God as much on Saturday as I do on Sunday.

My heart is for my kiddos to be super pumped about Sunday School because they know the Hero of the story and they've just seen Him and danced and sung praises to Him all the days before.

So, this weekend, let's take a break - YES. But let's also make sure Saturday is as much about Jesus as Sunday is. Love you all!!

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