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It’s Time for Kindergarten. And I Will Not Cry.


It’s time for kindergarten. And I tell myself, “Do not cry.”

I cried the night before your first day of preschool and when you first slept until morning came. I cried the first time i tucked you into a toddler bed and the night before each of your birthdays.

But It’s time for kindergarten. And i want to be strong, too.

So I have to stay calm at the thought of you walking into a new place. I get a lump in my throat thinking of friends you desperately want to make.

[Do not cry. Do not cry.]

I agree that being scared at first is okay, and i tell you how at your age, i felt the same way.

But It’s time for kindergarten. And I. will. not. cry.


I’ll be giving thanks and trust like I’ve had to before, because you’ve got this chance to spread your wings and soar.

I’ll show you what being strong and courageous means. You may not know that through these years, so many times you’ve taught me.

Because you, my little love, will not be going at it alone. And I’m convinced that you were made to make this world better.

So i will not cry.

But I’ll pack your book bag, take a picture, say a prayer. And I’ll find my confidence in our God who holds each day, not to fear.

And as I walk back outside alone and I buckle up and I head home, I’ll remember all the ways I’ve watched you grow. And then all the tears of gratitude will come, as I trust God will see you even when I don’t.

And He will be with us and will dry my eyes. Because He loves you, and He loves me so much, and He has prepared us for kindergarten time.



“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9 (NIV)

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