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When God Writes Our Lesson Plans.

I’m not a Bible scholar, but I have grown to love the word of God and know it’s the only source of truth I can pass along to my children.

So, when it came time to jump into home studies, it was easy to decide where to start.

For week one, we focused on Trust as we watched a confident young David knock down a scary giant. All because he knew His God was bigger.

This week, I wanted to segue into The Armor of God, which would hold the attention of my rowdy warriors.

I asked the boys to open their Bibles to Ephesians 6:10-17

But guess which verse my son started reading first:

“Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Honor your father and mother.” Ephesians 6:1


Moments like this affirm our God knows what kind of season we’re in. He’s heard my sighs each time I’ve asked them to sit still. He’s heard my prayers each time I’ve asked Him to calm me down.

And today He had my back, and He sharpened my sword to fight.

And not to fight my flesh and blood, but instead “the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” (verse 12)

Because the enemy wants us to fail at this – at teaching – at training – at loving them through these trying times.

So, it’s time to armor up, friends.

And keep our eyes focused on God’s strategy.

You’re doing what you were made for.

Raising up warriors.

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