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Kissing Boo-Boos

My two-year-old has chubby feet. It is something I voluntarily share with other mommy friends in hopes they can lend any shoe shopping advice. Just about all mommies know that even regular toddler shoes cost as much as I’d spend on at least a couple Goodwill runs to fill up my own closest.

Because it all adds up, I’ve never stepped foot into Stride Rite. Although, we’re getting to the point when wearing the Skidder gripper socks will be unacceptable, and I’ll have to spend a little more to avoid the inevitable press and squeeze with his not-so-little piggies.

No matter the size, his feet do a good job of taking him wherever his little heart wants to go. Around and around the kitchen table, straight across the living room and back, and when they hit the grass, they can almost out run me.

Yet, even so, he does fall.

He stubs his toe on the baby gate; he trips over a toy or slides off his makeshift fort for the day.


Sometimes, there are tears. Sometimes, not.

However, every time, he slowly picks himself up and runs directly over to me and holds out his boo-boo for mommy to kiss and make better.

It’s magical.

After he gets his kiss, he gives a grin and is back at it again – never looking back. All better.

In each stumble and fall, I am watching our gracious God at work.

Though my son is young, he is learning he can go to someone he trusts for comfort and help in his hard, hurting moments. He will be received with a kiss and released to return to his work at hand.

I know a kiss will not always make it better, but I am grateful for the chance to teach him that we always have someone we can run to when the pain sets in. He’s been in pain, too.

“Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has gone through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess.

For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are–yet was without sin.” Hebrews 4:14-15

Just before this passage in Hebrews, Paul reminds us that nothing is hidden from God’s sight. His Word is powerful and will distinguish between the right and the wrong. Jesus, God in flesh, felt our temptations, our hurts – and He overcame. Jesus – our helper, our kiss after the fall – our promise it will be okay. 

“Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.” (Vs 16)

And so we can get back up, too. We can comfort, because we are comforted. We can show grace, because we found it.

We just need to run to Him first.

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