A Message From Your Mommy Before We Meet.

I feel you turn and kick, and I rub my skin, hoping you can sense the calm of my touch. I talk to you and pray for you. I cried those tears for you that didn’t even make sense apart from knowing how deeply you matter to me. You matter.
You mattered before i even knew you existed, and you’ll matter long after my time here is gone. After yours is, too. All because the love and life we know is forever, and one day, we will be Home. You are a gift. Not one given to me but one shared. Entrusted to my care, bundled up in my love, yet meant to lean less on me and more on God above.
You are washed. If you so choose, you are washed whiter and cleaner than snow, already before your first cry calls out. You are rescued and released from all the bad and the pain if you choose repentance, to be born again through an even more incredible act of love, to be redeemed. You’ve been brought before Jesus. You’ve been taken to church, you’ve been exposed to God’s Word, your name was known by Him long before it was known by us.
Precious child, you are His treasure.
I take a deep breath as I hold your brothers’ hands, and we all walk together.
I know this is the closest I’ll ever carry you.
I give thanks for each kick, each turn of your tiny body that makes my body twitch. I give thanks for your Daddy’s hands and brothers’ sweet kisses that want to touch you, too.
I am not afraid. I am not concerned with the doctor’s test that may detect the unexpected. All because I know all is very expected, perfectly planned by our Creator above.
I am not overwhelmed. I am not dreading the long nights or the crying fits or the puzzle of putting a third baby in a car seat with two already there. All because I know our family is His family, and He takes care of His own.
Sometimes, it feels as if I’m standing on the shore of the greatest ocean. My toes covered with sand, and I feel an unexplainable peace and awe at once. I know God has created the majestic; He is the majestic. Even though I cannot see His hands or yours, I feel them at work. I trust He is knitting away; I know His transcendent glory is reaching down into my very own veins to create the one and only beloved you.
He is so close to you. He is so close to me.
He. Our God. Takes care of you.
He. Our Father. Takes care of me.
He. Our Savior. Protects and provides. He’ll hush the storms. He’ll help you rise.
And my hope for you is the same as for our children who came before —
Be strong and courageous.
Just as God spoke this command to His people, as a reminder both are possible, if we stay close to Him. He assures us He will stay close to us. Be strong, mighty warrior; be courageous to face the darkness of this world, armed with a spark of light. Your spark. Look to Jesus, who will guide you when the night comes, the sun rises and when the fog clears.
You will never be alone.
Be strong and courageous.
And I pray, and I pray.
I ask my Father in Heaven, Holy is His name. His Kingdom reigns forever, and He gives us each day here to be used for Him. I ask Him to show you grace and how to give it especially when it’s hard. I ask Him to guard you from the evil and give you wisdom and strength and courage to choose what is better. Our Father is Mighty God, and His power is beyond what we can imagine, and His glory will never let go. It is in The name of my Savior Jesus, I pray and will delight in until we walk into eternity holding His hand and then forever and ever after. Amen
So, to you, precious baby, precious boy, precious man, husband, father; however God guides your steps to become, know that each was prayed for by your parents, your daddy and your mom.
With love, Mommy
Friends, I get excited in how God commissions His servant Joshua in the first chapter of the book that shares his name: “No man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life; as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not leave you nor forsake you. Be strong and of good courage, for to this people, you shall divide as an inheritance the land which I swore to their fathers to give them. Only be strong and very courageous.” (vs. 5-7). Just as God promises to guide His servant Joshua and deliver His people, He is still available and able to guide us and our children today. We simply must be near to Him in prayer, in reading His Word, in sharing His power with others. My prayer for my family is that we understand the strength and power of the God who loves more than I even can and are confident and courageous to carry His good news to others. I thank God that no matter how I may fail or fall, He never will. He is good – always.
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