I prayed to God to stop him in his tracks.
About 20 minutes ago, the text message made my phone buzz, and I read it in all CAPS.
PRAY FOR THE SON. The prodigal. The 18 year old untouchable. He is wandering, on the run. The messenger asked specifically for a miracle for the boy, for him to know he is loved. A miracle?! A miracle for him to know what is important and people care. He is among wolves.
It hits me in the gut as I watch my babies sleep, innocent, at peace. He is someone’s baby — grown and not forgotten. I pray to His Father and mine.
I wish I had his phone number to send a message to him now. He wouldn’t know me from a stranger, but he would know someone cares. In a world that turns its back and closes its eyes so quickly, he is not ignored. Speak up, child, you are heard.
Is it attention he wants? Is it because of fear that he hides in an evil world that accuses and dismisses who it pleases. There is a rescuer; He’s sitting in that empty seat next to you, He’s reaching His arm out to help. Grab on.
Jesus loves the little children.
You are loved. Whatever has happened. Whatever you’ve chosen. It is finished. The hammer and nails closed it shut, and there is life in the Risen – set free.
Know you are not alone. Ever. The book bound in leather stacked neatly on the kitchen table tells us so. We read it and underline what is written in red.
The verdict is pronounced in the book of John: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into it for fear their deeds will be exposed. But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light.”
The only light is His light. We are all condemned to darkness without Him. The Bright and Morning Star.
So whatever was done in the darkness can be no more. Whatever may lurk in our tomorrow can be brought down. Remember how the lights twinkled on the Christmas tree you laid under as a boy? They sparkled, and you smiled. It can be that way again.
Jesus uses words that I trace with my own hand – “we speak of what we know, and we testify to what we have seen.”
It is because I was there myself. Running, afraid, ashamed. Pronounced guilty, needing help. And the Helper came.
He wiped my tears. He told me God so loved me that He paid for me in full. He did the same for you.
The words I write, I write for you. If you are wandering or wondering if you can be loved, be held, be forgiven. You can.
Lord, helps us be someone’s miracle today. Help us lift you up so others may believe and have life. Life here and now and life forever. Your red letters tell us this truth today, and we are thankful. Thank you for loving your children. Because of the love and the blood of Jesus, I pray. Amen.