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A Word Of Advice For The Girls In My Life.

First, let me preface by stating – I have sons.

My home is filled with superman capes and neon green sneakers, trains and toy trucks. There are footballs and baseballs and little voices helping Daddy yell loud for teams on TV. It is a smelly, messy little boy wonder world, and I love it.

I teach them right from wrong each day and watch them interact with their little friends and family when they play. Innocence and inclusion and a big smile across each face. A hug after a hit. A kiss after a fall.

If we could just hang on to that giggle of childhood. How does it get outgrown, so quick?

There are many lessons. Those I want to teach my boys, as well as those I want to share with the little girls in my world, too.

And so today, as I watch the days grow up the little nieces, little sisters, little princesses in my life, so fast, I am writing some advice just for you.


I know your Mommy would likely say it better, but if at any given time, you’re not listening to her, then hear it from me.

1. Wear a pretty dress and a smile.

Nothing is wrong with a little glitz and ruffles. Be the princess you are. Yet, remember Whose princess you are.

“You were bought with a price. Therefore, honor God with your bodies.” 1 Corinthians 6:20

You were handcrafted to be uniquely, the only you, fashioned together as God’s glorious work. Get to know the God who made you better, and He’ll make you shine – make you sparkle. So it’s not the dress that makes you beautiful; it’s the joy inside that does.

2. Play in Mommy’s closet.

Mommy has tried on lots of clothes to find the perfect styles and fit. You won’t find a better person to watch and become. Sure, she’s made questionable choices and followed some wayward fashions, but she wants to give you the best of what she’s got. She always will.

3. That boy won’t make you matter.

Neither will this one either. Decide early on if you want to give your heart away. There really is only One who’s deserving.

“You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being.” Revelation 4:11

He gave you His word that you are precious, you are beautiful, worth more than rubies. To your Father, you matter. Do not let that handsome smile, smooth voice or curly hair come between you and the lover of your soul. Only He will lead you to your heavenly ever after. In His time, and you will NEVER regret it.

4. Competition is for the court.

Your friend may get more texts, more tweets, more likes. She may get better grades and get slimmer jeans and more applause. Clap for her, too. Unless it’s in basketball, you are not competing. She was given gifts; you were, too. Remember how you made the cafeteria lady smile when you asked about her day and how your brother seems to trust you at times, only you. You are to be the best you that you can be – that is always enough.

5. Make her feel beautiful, too.

You will meet her one day, a girl whose smile has faded away. Whether her own fault or by the hand of another, she questions if she belongs and fears she doesn’t. Remind her she’s beautiful. Remind her she’s forgiven. Remind her she’s loved. Your Father is her Father, too.

Sweet girls, precious ladies –

Know there are Mommies praying and raising up men who will respect, honor, woo and marry you. Men who are seeking His heart as well as your own. Well worth the wait.

Know there is enough selfishness and sass out there, and you are called to be captivating instead. Pray to God, read His love letters, know them by heart. Your Prince says He’ll love you forever; His story is far greater than that one you’ll watch on TV.

Be treasured. Never settle for any less.

More than rubies, sweet girls, more than rubies.

“She is more precious than rubies; nothing you desire can compare with her.” Proverbs 3:15


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