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Dirty Jobs


Sunday’s are my favorite. We usually end up sleeping longer, because our boys like Saturday nights a little too much, and we all are late to bed. There is plenty to do to get everyone up and fed and dressed for church. My husband and I each grab a baby and are out the door and in the car before we know it. Sometimes, my hubby and I will high-five each other in passing after we’ve strapped the boys into their seats, an added “go team” to cheer on the day.

This morning was different. We had a longer trip in to church, as we drove farther to support our dear friends who were leading a special worship service together. The church we visited was small, much smaller. The building was old and could’ve used a good cleaning, but the congregation didn’t seem to mind. They had no nursery, so it was both babies in the service with us. Worship, welcome, Holy Spirit come. Watching, waiting. After the praise, the Pastor began. The boys were quiet; the congregation was quiet. In the stillness and without warning, our two month old decided some relief was in order. Obviously, his tummy had been working well, and it was a perfect time for a potty break. Now, his potty breaks are not so secretive, and heads turned. On cue, I scooped him and my diaper bag up and proceeded to go clean the dirty job.

In the middle of the sermon, we got a special message about the humility of a child. In Matthew 18, Jesus says we must become like little children. Children are not proud; they are not all-knowing. They simply come as they are. We must not hide behind our belongings, our knowledge, the faith of our fathers. Instead, we must submit all of ourselves: the good, the bad, the smelly…

I thank God for Sundays, for fellowship and Bible study with loved ones and most of all for the One who makes us clean: “A man with leprosy came to him and begged him on his knees, “If you are willing, you can make me clean.” Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. “I am willing,” he said. “Be clean!” Mark 1:40-41

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