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Perfect Penguin


Last night was a family night.  After my husband finished work, we loaded the boys into our car and headed over to a nephew’s Kindergarten graduation. All of the children were dressed in bright red robes and waited single file to march into the auditorium to be presented their diplomas, their certificates, proof they completed the adventure that is Kindergarten and are ready to move on up. We smile with pride at how quickly time passes and thank God for His fingerprints on these precious lives. The parents and family members rushed the front rows to snap photos to memorialize the special occasion. Professional paparazzi couldn’t compete with the focus, zoom, click, all on cell phones. Times are changing.

Afterwards, we took our boys to a restaurant for kids’ night. Our toddler has started to welcome new foods, and we are glad. There was a lady, a balloon artist, squeezing and sculpting the most amazing creatures out of plastic. Tip jar in front, she stretched and puffed up bright and beautiful creations, and we decided to request one of our own. Our oldest has been watching a TV show with penguins, so it was an easy decision. I stood still, watching her brilliantly transform a few balloons into the most perfect penguin replica. You can tell she had practice; it came together so easily and quickly, just a few bends and turns to the balloons and presto, done.

I couldn’t help but think of one of my favorite children’s books that I’ve read so many times, it’s a part of my memory.  The story is “You Are Special” by Max Lacado, and it describes a boy made of wood who finally found his identity and peace after taking time to meet his Creator.  One of the greatest lines is when the woodcarver is speaking to the boy, and he tells him, “Remember, you are special, because I made you. And I don’t make mistakes.”

I can see myself, our children, in the little wooden boy. I can see us in the stretched out balloons that became something special in the hands of the artist. It is not always an easy road; there are often bumps and bruises, twists and turns, but we are put together purposefully to reflect the handiwork of our Creator. I often comment on the perfection of a newborn baby. I realize that we are all far from perfect, but I recognize the beauty of the one who formed such tiny inward parts. It is for His glory; all for His glory.

“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago.” Ephesians 2:10

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